Saturday, March 22, 2014


You don't need to do everything at once. It is okay to take it easy. Dont take your frustration out on other people. Do not  hurt the people you love the most.

Reminders for myself because I seem to be forgetting.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Long time no see.

Well.. I haven't blogged in ages. And so many things have happened since then. Both bad and good!

Right now though I am in a really good and happy place in my life. There was a time where everything was going wrong but now that is all over and Im exactly where I want to be.

Today I had an amazing day with my boyfriend. We watched a movie and ate pancakes and spaghetti. I love our date nights so much. I enjoy going out a lot but somedays I really do think snuggling up on the couch with the man I love and watching (or semi watching in my case because he is so comfortable I end up falling asleep in his arms) a really good movie is better than going out.

Im really happy that I can spend a lot of my weekends like this. Every time we have to part ways it makes me wish he lived so much closer to me..

Maybe this year I can afford to move out once I can get a job after exams. If I move out it would be lovely to get a place near both school and my man. It would be great to be able to have my own living space.

Ahhh of only it wasnt so expensive to live alone );

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sometimes things make me so sad I wish I could burrow deep into my blankets and not have to face reality for a while.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

This was my lunch today! (: I also cleaned my room today so I wasn't being completely useless! I also plan to do homework today..later..

I can't do homework during the day, I'm not even sure why...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today I failed another math test.. despite being confident in knowing how to do the work my mind went completely blank. I felt really stupid today)':

I don't think my future career will be math related at all..

Im setting a goal of doing all my homework from now on! And losing 10kg by prom by limiting my sugar and carbohydrate intake..

/I'll do it this time!/

I'd like to do a draw my life video! :3
I still haven't decided between a note or a Mac..

I'm bad with decision-making. I hope this month I'll be a more decisive person!:)